

PagePrincipale :: DerniersChangements :: DerniersCommentaires :: ParametresUtilisateur :: Vous êtes
:: Source Code of this p@ge... :: Version française de cette p@ge WiKi : FoXmatageWikiNi
@ide-Mémoire: Formatting Rules in WikiNi WiKis
For the g@rdeners, cr@tsmen and p@rticipants in WikiNi WiKis.
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To impede WikiNi formatting, which switches on the HTML encoding,
just write two pairs of double quotes ; here's one double quote : ".
//WikiNi formatters// typed while editing a WiKi p@ge, between **two pairs** of double quotes, as this sentence, @@do not format@@ the content and are seen in the __edited WiKi p@ge__. In parallel, if, at edition, you write <i>HTML codes</i>, but not between <b>two pairs</b> of double quotes, as in this sentence, <u>you will see them</u> in the published WiKi p@ge, because your browser <s>doesn't interpretate them.</s> To find out more on XHTML in WikiNi WiKis, see the Extras section.

Once you've read through this, you may test your formatting skills in the SandBox.

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Basic WikiNi Formatting Rules

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Bullet List (LISTS: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.)
To indent content,

Jump a space at the beginning of each line, (re)writing a "-", then the item. =

a) Lowercase Characters List (LISTS: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.)
Jump a space at the beginning of each line, write a) at first item, then "-" at others.
  1. Lowercase Characters List; item #1.
  2. Lowercase Characters List; item #2.
  3. Lowercase Characters List; item #3.

A) Uppercase Characters List
Jump a space at the beginning of each line, write A) at first item, then "-" at others.
  1. Uppercase Characters List; item #1.
  2. Uppercase Characters List; item #2.
  3. Uppercase Characters List; item #3.

1) Numbered List (arabic numerals)
Jump a space at the beginning of each line, write 1) at first item, then "-" at others.
  1. Numbered List (arabic numerals); item #1.
  2. Numbered List (arabic numerals); item #2.
  3. Numbered List (arabic numerals); item #3.

i) Numbered List (lowercase roman numerals)
Jump a space at the beginning of each line, write i) at first item, then "-" at others.
  1. Numbered List (lowercase roman numerals); item #1.
  2. Numbered List (lowercase roman numerals); item #2.
  3. Numbered List (lowercase roman numerals); item #3.
  4. Numbered List (lowercase roman numerals); item #4.

I) Numbered List (uppercase roman numerals) (LISTS: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.)
Jump a space at the beginning of each line, write I) at first item, then "-" at others.
  1. Numbered List (uppercase roman numerals); item #1.
  2. Numbered List (uppercase roman numerals); item #2.
  3. Numbered List (uppercase roman numerals); item #3.
  4. Numbered List (uppercase roman numerals); item #4.

X) Mixt List (arabic numerals and lowercase characters)
One "_" is worth a jumped space.

_1)item #1
__a)item #1 a
__-item #1 b
_-item #2
_-item #3
__a)item #3 a
__-item #3 b
__-item #3 c
_-item #4

  1. item #1
    1. item #1 a
    2. item #1 b
  2. item #2
  3. item #3
    1. item #3 a
    2. item #3 b
    3. item #3 c
  4. item #4

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Automatic Links

Forced Internal Links (to another p@ge of the WiKi)

Forced External Links :

Forced Em@il Links :

Interwiki Links :

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Lines, or Horizontal Separators,

Intro Basics Headings Lists-Indent Links Lines Line Breaks Im@ges Specialised Extras Info

Forced Line Break :

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To Insert an Im@ge in a WiKi P@ge

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For Specialists 1/2, 2/2.)
appears as itself in a window as this one that follows.
In these windows...

For Specialists 1/2, 2/2.

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Extras that WikiNi FormattinG can't do on its own
Font Colors, Faces, Sizes and Highlighting

@ide-Memoire of Valid XHTML 0.1 Codes in WikiNi WiKis
in French or English,
FoXparleXhtml ~either in this WiKi~ FoXspeaqsXhtml
WikiNi:FoXparleXhtml (interwiki) ~in WikiNi's~ WikiNi:FoXspeaqsXhtml (interwiki)
xhtml et wikini ~or in DjO's~ xhtml in wikini

<table bgcolor="#99ffff" width="666px">
Your Content

between two pairs of double quotes creates a table. Such a table, blue or else, may be useful for urgent reminders, pertinent information, important decisions, last minute recalls, titles, and so on ...
Pour les tableaux, on peut aussi consulter cette discussion.
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  1. Excluding this last Info section, this WiKi p@ge offers 12 screens, just as its French version.
  2. Altogether, excluding the final Info sections,
    • the seven p@ges of BambaFox present over 111 screens and 13 im@ges.
  3. This @ide-mémoire, BambaFox version01d, was inspired by this discussion (interwiki) and that : WikiNi:DjO (interwiki)
  4. This WiKi p@ge presents eight im@ges, hosted by, and designed by
  5. Joseph Deneault, Djeault, DjO, who is the g@rdener, cr@ftsman, cre@tor
    1. of the WiKi p@ge, BambaFox,
    2. of this WiKi p@ge, FoXspeaqsXhtml,
    3. of its French version, FoXparleXhtml,
    4. of the WiKi p@ge FoXmatageWikiNi,
    5. of its English version FoXmattinG,
    6. of the p@ge BambaFoxInstaller,
    7. of its English version BambaFoxInstall.
  6. From the last two p@ges, you can @ccess the source codes for all seven p@ges.
  7. Clicking BambaFox.gif, on top left of BambaFox's seven p@ges will t@ke you to that p@ge's source code.
  8. Those seven WiKi p@ges are an interconnected bilingual, English and French, system aiming at the communication of practical and useful information on formatting in WikiNi WiKis, either through FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG, or through XHTML-proof encoding.
  9. The seven p@ges can neither be modified, nor commented : to criticise or comment them, or else to suggest improvements, request explanations, and/or signal errors or bogs, DjO invites you to do so on in the appropriate p@ge amongst these:
    1. WikiNi:DiscussionsBambaFox (interwiki)
    2. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXmatageWikiNi (interwiki)
    3. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXmattinG (interwiki)
    4. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXparleXhtml (interwiki)
    5. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXspeaqsXhtml (interwiki)
    6. WikiNi:DiscussionsBambaFoxInstaller (interwiki)
    7. WikiNi:DiscussionsBambaFoxInstall (interwiki).

--DjO 11fev2005.

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This WiKi p@ge can neither be commented, nor edited, even by a registered user;

source code of this wiki p@ge
is licensed under

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