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source code of this wiki p@ge XHTML in WikiNi Version française : voir FoXparleXhtml xhtml et wikini
@ide-Memoire of Valid XHTML 0.1 Codes in WikiNi WiKis
and their FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalents:
for g@rdeners, cr@ftsman and p@rticipants in WikiNi WiKis.

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01. (top) 02. 03. 04.

With WikiNi, to turn on the HTML codification,
and off the FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG,
simply write two pairs of quotation marks; this is one quotation mark: "

Everything in between those two pairs
then responds to HTML FoXmattinG,
though no more to FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG.

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01. (top) 02. 03. 04.

2. A WikiNi WiKi is a fine pl@ce to tame and use HTML,
because a change of line, by clicking "Enter", when you're editing in HTML,
doesn't create one in the published WiKi p@ge, as it does
within many phpBB Forums and Blogs and also within FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG:

therefore, each HTML tag may have its own line,
without creating empty lines, in the published p@ge.

The XHTML code <br /> creates a change of line:
so, when editing a WikiNi WiKi p@ge, whether you write
(with pairs of quotation marks, instead of just one ")

or or else
This is the first line<br />
this is the second line
This is the first line
<br />
this is the second line
in the published WiKi p@ge, you'll see:
This is the first line
this is the second line.

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01. (top) 02. 03. 04.

3. To change line between two pairs of quotation marks, you may use the <br /> tag;

<hr /> ~ <div align="x"> ~ <blockquote> ~ <table> ~ <h1> to <h7> tags

Notice that in HTML 4.0 transitional, except for the three codes
<br>, <hr> and <img src="URL_@ddress of Im@ge">,

Also notice that in XHTML 1.0 transitional,

which are closed within their opening tag, with a space and a slash.

Further notice that in XHTML 1.0, within the img code, the "alt" attribute is compulsory.

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01. (top) 02. 03. 04.

4. Also notice that when you use tags within tags,

for example, if you indent text, justify it, and color it blue, you write,

<div align="justify">
<font color="#3333ff">
before you text; then, in their reverse order of entrance, you close the tags:

Another example

<b><i><u>bold, italic, underlined text</u></i></b> = bold, italic, underlined text

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a. To make text Bold

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

write <b>before your text and</b> after it.

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent: **Bold** = Bold

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b. To make text italic

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

write <i>before your text and</i> after it.

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent: //Italic// = Italic

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c. To make text underlined

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

write <u>before your text and</u> after it.

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent: __Underlined__ = Underlined

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d. To "scratch-erase" text

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

write <s>before your text and</s> after it.

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent: @@strike@@ = strike

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e. Font Colors Faces Sizes HighLight
No FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent, except ici

To color short text, writing (in WikiNi, with pairs of quotation marks, instead of just one ")

"<font color="#009900">to your choice, before you green text and after it</font>"


to your choice, before you green text and after it

For longer text, give a line to each tag and write, either or

<font color="#009900">
before you text,
which will respond to HTML,
and after it:
"<font color="#009900">"
before the text,
which here responds to
FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG
and after:

To choose a color's number

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Font Colors Faces Sizes HighLight

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

<font face="comic sans ms">Comic Sans MS Example.</font> = Comic Sans MS Example.

<font face="arial"><b>Bold Arial Example.</b></font> = Bold Arial Example.

<font face="arial">Arial Example.</font> = Arial Example.

<font face="times new roman">Times New Roman Example.</font> = Times New Roman Example.

<font color="#0000ff" face="comic sans ms" size="4">Example</font> = Example

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Font Colors Faces Sizes HighLight

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

<font size="1">Format #1</font> = Format #1

<font size="2">Format #2</font> = Format #2

<font size="3">Format #3</font> = Format #3

<font size="4">Format #4</font> = Format #4

<font size="5">Format #5</font> = Format #5

<font size="6">Format #6</font> = Format #6

<font size="7">Format #7</font> = Format #7

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Font Colors Faces Sizes HighLight

Here's a chromatic Rainbow of HTML codes to Highlight (color) text. From A to O
In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

Highlight _A B C_ _D E F G_ _H I J K_ _L M N O_

<font style="background-color: #000000" color="#ffffff">~White Text with Black Back</font>
~White Text with Black Back

<font style="background-color: #cc99ff" color="#660099">~Purple Text with Mauve Back</font>
~Purple Text with Mauve Back

<font style="background-color: #660099" color="#ccccff">~Mauve Text with Purple Back</font>
~Mauve Text with Purple Back

Haut Gras-Italik Souligné-Effacé Police Justifié Centré Droite Retrait ChLigne Ligne Im@ge Lien Target LienIn Liste #Liste Tablo Titre Index Info

Highlight _A B C_ _D E F G_ _H I J K_ _L M N O_
<font style="background-color: #99ffff" color="#0000ff">~Blue Text with Sky Blue Back</font>
~Blue Text with Sky Blue Back

<font style="background-color: #0000ff" color="#99ffff">~Sky Blue Text with Blue Back</font>
~Sky Blue Text with Blue Back

<font style="background-color: #33cc33" color="#003300">~Green with Light Green Back</font>
~Green with Light Green Back

<font style="background-color: #003300" color="#33cc33">~Light Green with Green Back</font>
~Light Green with Green Back

Haut Gras-Italik Souligné-Effacé Police Justifié Centré Droite Retrait ChLigne Ligne Im@ge Lien Target LienIn Liste #Liste Tablo Titre Index Info

Highlight _A B C_ _D E F G_ _H I J K_ _L M N O_
<font style="background-color: #cccc33" color="#333300">~Dark Text with Yellow Back</font>
~Dark Text with Yellow Back

<font style="background-color: #333300" color="#cccc33">~Yellow Text with Dark Back</font>
~Yellow Text with Dark Back

<font style="background-color: #FF9900" color="#663300">~Burnt Text and Orange Back</font>
~Burnt Text and Orange Back

<font style="background-color: #663300" color="#ff9900">~Orange Text and Burnt Back</font>
~Orange Text and Burnt Back

Haut Gras-Italik Souligné-Effacé Police Justifié Centré Droite Retrait ChLigne Ligne Im@ge Lien Target LienIn Liste #Liste Tablo Titre Index Info

Highlight _A B C_ _D E F G_ _H I J K_ _L M N O_
<font style="background-color: #ff99cc" color="#990000">~Red Text with Pink Back</font>
~Red Text with Pink Back

<font style="background-color: #990000" color="#ff99cc">~Pink Text with Red Back</font>
~Pink Text with Red Back

<font style="background-color: #c0c0c0" color="#000000">~Black Text with Grey Back</font>
~Black Text with Grey Back

<font style="background-color: #ffffff" color="#000000">~Black Text with White Back</font>
~Black Text with White Back

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f. To justify usually long text
No FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent!

Write (in WikiNi, with pairs of quotation marks, instead of just one ")

<div align="justify">
before your text, which here will respond to HTML codes, and after it:

or else

"<div align="justify">"
before your text, which here will continue responding to FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG, and after it:

Justified text typically refers to text that that is aligned to both the left and right margins.

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g. To center textual or graphic content
No FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent!

For short text, write (in WikiNi, with pairs of quotation marks, instead of just one ")

"<div align="center">before your text and after it:</div>"

"<div align="center">
before your text, which here will respond to HTML codes, and after it:


"<div align="center">"
before your text, which here will continue responding
to FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG, and after it:

Centered text

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h. To align on the right textual or graphic content
No FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent!

For likely short text, like the date, write (in WikiNi, with pairs of quotation marks, instead of just one ")

"<div align="right">before your text and after it:</div>"

or, for unlikely long text, write

<div align="right">
before your text, which here will respond to HTML codes, and after it:


"<div align="right">"
before your text, which here will continue responding
to FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG, and after it:
Signatures may be aligned on the right.

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i. To indent usually long text

Write (in WikiNi, with pairs of quotation marks, instead of just one ")

before your text; then after it, write

or else, to also justify and color the textual content,

<blockquote><div align="justify"><font color="#0000ff">
before your text; then after it, in their reverse order of entrance, write the closing tags

This paragraph is indented:
FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent is attained by simply inserting one, two, ot three empty spaces, at the beginning of a line or paragraph; tabs may also be used, but you should use either tabs or spaces, but not both.

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j. To change line

The XHTML-proof self-closed code <br /> creates a change of line, whereas a simple change of line, by clicking "Enter", when you're editing, doesn't create one in the published Wiki p@ge, where the WikiNi FoXmattinG is off. Consequentely, in WikiNi, for a better visualisation of (long) p@ges, when you're modifying them, the <br /> tag doesn't have to touch the last word of line a and the first word of line b:
(in WikiNi, with pairs of quotation marks, instead of just one ")

"a) this is the first line<br />b) this is the second line"

could thus be replaced by or else, by
a) this is the first line<br />
b) this is the second line.
a) this is the first line
<br />
b) this is the second line.
for the same result in the published p@ge:
a) This is the first line
b) this is the second line.

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalents:
a) if you write ---, what follows will be in the next line. =
if you write
, what follows will be in the next line.
b)Just click "Enter" and change line.

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k. To create a line, or Horizontal Separator, as inside and below this paragraph "k"

if you write up to<hr />then continue writing right after it.

if you write up to
then continue writing right after it.

you may end your paragraph, change line, ... write
<hr />
change line again, then continue writing...

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent:
if you write 4 dashes, "-", it creates a line.

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l. To insert an im@ge 1/3, 2/3, 3/3. Explanations on URL @ddresses and Im@ges.

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, write

<img src="the_URL_@ddress_of_im@ge" alt="compulsory" title="optional" />

In this self-closed "code tag", the alt attribute is compulsory.

To create a centered im@ge that is a link, writing

<div align="center">
<a href="" title="WikiNi">
<img src="URLaddressofImage" alt="compulsory" />


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Im@ge 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.

To impede the 2 px border

that appears by default around linked im@ges,

add border="0px" in the img tag:

<img src="URLaddressofImage" alt="WikiNi" border="0px" />



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Im@ge 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.

If the im@ge isn't a link, but
you want to add an information bubble that appears when the im@ge is pointed,
add title="the title of the image in lower case" in the img tag:

<img src="URLaddressofImage" alt="bubble in lower case" border="0px" title="bubble in lower case" />


bubble in lower case
Indeed, those XHTML recipes to create linked im@ges imply that the im@ge already is @vailable on the Web. Remember that hooking to a Web Sp@ce's im@ge(s) means using that Sp@ce's bandwidth: it thus appears ethical to request permission to the Sp@ce's owner(s), before hooking onto the im@ge, unleast it is for a short time. In any case, the origins of the hooked im@ge, should be indicated, just as with any other quote.

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent:
write the @ddress between two pairs of parenthesis [ et ]

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m. To make a direct link

to another Web or WiKi p@ge, in WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, write

<a href="the_URL_@ddress_of_the_p@ge">Linked TEXT or Im@ge</a>
<a href="the_URL_@ddress_of_the_p@ge" title="infomative bubble">Linked TEXT or Im@ge</a>
or, for example,
<a href="" title="World's Biggest WiKi!">Wikipedia</a> = Wikipedia

to an em@il @ddress, in WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, write

<a href="">Linked TEXT or Im@ge</a>

<a href="" title="Send us an em@il">Em@il Link</a>

Em@il Link
FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent:
a) NomWiKi or MotWiki
b)Automatic External Link:
c) Forced External Link: [[]] =
[[ Wikipedia's WiKi]] = Wikipedia's WiKi
d) Forced Em@il Link: [[]] =
[[ Toto's Em@il @ddress]] = Toto's Em@il @ddress

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n. To make a target="_blank" link to another WiKi or Web p@ge
No FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent!

A target="_blank" link opens up into a new window or tab.

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, write

<a href="the_URL_@ddress_of_the_p@ge" target="_blank">Linked TEXT or Im@ge</a>

For example, if you write:

<div align="center">
<a target="_blank" href="" title="The World's Biggest Wiki">Wikipedia</a>

you get:


It is user friendly to indicate when a link is a target="_blank" link.

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o. To make an internal link within the p@ge itself
No FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent!

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks,

a) create a target:

<a name="name_of_target">Nothing, Text, or Im@ge</a>

b) create a link to that target:

<a href="#name_of_target">The LINK may be a text or an Im@ge</a>

Each Link Bar on top of each XHTML code in this p@ge

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p. To create a bullet list

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, if you write

<li>First Item</li>
<li>Second Item</li>
<li>Third Item</li>
<li>Fourth Item</li>
<li>Fifth Item</li>

you get:

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent: see FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG #Lists-Indent.
As for bullet lists, FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG is simpler than HTML.

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q. To create a numbered list In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, writing
<li>Item # 1</li>
<li>Item # 2</li>
<li>Item # 3</li>
  1. Item # 1
  2. Item # 2
  3. Item # 3
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>Item # a</li>
<li>Item # b</li>
<li>Item # c</li>
  1. Item # a
  2. Item # b
  3. Item # c
<ol style="list-style-type: upper-alpha;">
<li>Item # A</li>
<li>Item # B</li>
<li>Item # C</li>
  1. Item # A
  2. Item # B
  3. Item # C
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>Item # i</li>
<li>Item # ii</li>
<li>Item # iii</li>
  1. Item # i
  2. Item # ii
  3. Item # iii
<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">
<li>Item # I</li>
<li>Item # II</li>
<li>Item # III</li>
  1. Item # I
  2. Item # II
  3. Item # III
FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent: see FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG #Lists-Indent

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r. Table r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7

To Create Fancy TABLES is under Construction. To choose a color's number
No FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG equivalent, except ici.

Tables are the most complex XHTML FoXmattinG in this WiKi p@ge;

there are three main tags: <table>, <tr> for the lines, and <td> for each cell.

Here's an XHTML code, in which to insert contents, here within a pale blue table;

<table align="center" bgcolor="#99ffff" border="1px" width="555px">
your contents, which here will answer to HTML.

your contents, which here will answer to HTML.

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r. Table r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7

The above code works fine,

Here's an even simpler and graphically safer code, by which the table, by default,

<table bgcolor="#99ffff" width="555px">
your contents, which here will answer to HTML.

your contents, which here will answer to HTML.

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r. Table r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7

If the WiKi has a sidebar menu, adjust the table's width, so that it won't widen the p@ge.

The background color and the width of each cell may be defined in the <td> tag;

the contents of all cells in the row may be aligned, here to the right, through the <tr> tag.

<table align="center" border="0px" bgcolor="#000000" width="540px">
<tr align="right">
<td bgcolor="#cccc33" width="190px">First Column /yellow background</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff9900" width="160px">Second Column /orange background</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff9999" width="190px">Third Column /pink background</td>

First Column /yellow background Second Column /orange background Third Column /pink background

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r. Table r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7

The <TABLE> tag of the code may also include the two C attributes:
cellpadding="#px" cellspacing="#px" EXAMPLES.

With HTML 4, the <table> tag has ± nine basic attributes, whereas with XHTML, six are sufficient:

the "background", "cols" and "height" attributes aren't XHTML 1, but rather HTML 4.

1. TABLE ~ Aide Mémoire for the <table> tag: (a, bb, cc, w)

Suggestion: systematically write <table> attributes in alphabetical order.

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r. Table r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7

2. <tr> (the row)

3. <td> (the cell)

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r. Table r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 DjO created this gr@ph for HTML 4.0 transitional, with MOT 2.3 and Paint.

HTML tables

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r. Table r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7
With MOT 2.3 and Paint, DjO created this other gr@ph, specifically for XHTML 1.0,
since the "background", "cols" and "height" attributes aren't valid XHTML transitional 1.0.
xhtml tables in wikini
Overall, the result is simpler and thus clearer than with the previous gr@ph.

--DjO 16jan2005.

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s. To create TITLES + WELCOME SIGN (and Bog)

For TITLES, in WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, if you write

<h1>Title #1</h1>
<h2>Title #2</h2>
<h3>Title #3</h3>

you get:

Title #1

Title #2

Title #3

FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG Equivalent:
======Title #1====== (6 "-")
=====Title #2===== (5 "-")
====Title #3==== (4 "-")

Title #1

Title #2

Title #3

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WELCOME SIGN (and Bog) in a table, with 3 px wide border, purplish background, and mauve fonts.

Bog: take notice that within WikiNi, in tables built with XHTML codes,
the <h1> and <font size> codes aren't read by Netscape Navigators 4x:
the text, within a table, is seen with the default font size,
However, the <font face> and <font color> tags are read alright through NN4.

In WikiNi, between two pairs of quotation marks, if you write:

<table align="center" border="3px" bgcolor="#993399" width="199px">
<div align="center">
<h1><font color="#ffccff" face="comic sans ms">WELCOME!</font></h1>
you get:


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Above Contents in Alphabetical Order

  1. Align Center, Justify, Right.
  2. Bold.
  3. Erase.
  4. Font Colors, Faces, Sizes, Highlight.
  5. Im@ges.
  6. Indent.
  7. Italic.
  8. Lines.
  9. Line change.
  10. Links Direct.
  11. Links Internal.
  12. Links Target.
  13. Lists /Bullets.
  14. Lists /Numbers.
  15. Tables.
  16. Titles.
  17. Underline.
  18. Welcome Sign.

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Specific details on this WiKi p@ge and on the XHTML codes herein presented.

  1. * This WiKi p@ge's content is Valid HTML 4.0 transitional and Valid XHTML 1.0 transitional.
  2. * The codes presented in this WiKi p@ge are Valid XHTML 1.0 transitional.
  3. * All tag attributes are defined between a pair of quotation marks:
    • for example, <div align="center">
  4. * The shorter, the better. For example: <b> versus <strong>.
  5. * They all, (but one, s2, with NN4x), work in Internet Explorer 6,
    • and in Netscape Navigators 4x and 7x.
  6. * They're all in lower case.
  7. * The lay out of the HTML tags, often one by line, works fine in a WiKi,
    • because a change of line at edition isn't one in the published p@ge.
  8. * The following HTML codes, from this List in French, aren't included higher up in this p@ge:
    1. o <em> mis en valeur</em>
    2. o <strong> fortement mis en valeur </strong>
    3. o <tt> télétype</tt>
    4. o <pre> préformaté </pre>
    5. o <ins> inséré </ins>
    6. o <del> effacé </del>
    7. o <sup> exposant </sup>
    8. o <sub> indice </sub>
    9. o <cite> citation </cite>
    10. o <q> citation en ligne </q>
    11. o <code> entrée de code </code>
    12. o <samp> sortie de code </samp>
    13. o <kbd> saisie clavier </kbd>
    14. o <var> variable </var>
    15. o <dfn> définition </dfn>
    16. o <abbr> abbréviation </abbr>, yet little used, though may be very useful.
    17. o <acronym> acronyme </acronym>, yet little used, though may be very useful.
    18. o <p> paragraphe </p>
  9. Warning:
    NN 7x and Internet Explorer 6 do "@ccept to re@d" some HTML coding mistakes; however, if you @ccess the WiKi with Netscape Communicators 4x, including the last 2002 4.8 version, which you may download for free,
    • you may see a blank p@ge,
    • due sometimes to only one forgotten, or to one extra HTML Tag. Why?
    • Therefore, we may say that it is our responsability to always verify one's HTML modific@tions to a p@ge, through Netscape Navigator 4.8, before closing up the shop.
  10. Finally, for perfectionnists, it is esssential to verify the integrity of the XHTML 1.0 transitional of the modified p@ge with W3C's XHTML validator; for methodical perfectionnists , it appears logical to verify the XHTML before and after.
  11. This WiKi p@ge presents two gr@phs and eight im@ges, hosted by, and designed by
  12. Joseph Deneault, Djeault, DjO, who's also the g@rdener, cr@ftsman, cre@tor
    1. of the WiKi p@ge BambaFox,
    2. of the WiKi p@ge FoXmatageWikiNi,
    3. of its English version FoXmattinG,
    4. of this WiKi p@ge, FoXspeaqsXhtml,
    5. of its French version, FoXparleXhtml,
    6. of the p@ge BambaFoxInstaller,
    7. of its English version BambaFoxInstall.
  13. From the last two p@ges, you can @ccess the source codes for all seven p@ges of BambaFox.
  14. Clicking BambaFox.gif, on top left of BambaFox's seven p@ges will t@ke you to that p@ge's source code.
  15. Those seven WiKi p@ges are an interconnected bilingual, English and French, system, BambaFox, aiming at the communic@tion of existing, useful information on formatting in WikiNi WiKis, either through FoXmatageWikiNi FoXmattinG, or through XHTML-proof encoding.
  16. The seven original WiKi p@ges, in DjO's WiKi and in WikiNi, can neither be modified, nor commented: to criticise or comment them, or else to suggest improvements, request explanations, and/or signal errors, DjO invites you to do so on in the appropriate p@ge:
    1. WikiNi:DiscussionsBambaFox (interwiki)
    2. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXmatageWikiNi (interwiki)
    3. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXmattinG (interwiki)
    4. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXparleXhtml (interwiki)
    5. WikiNi:DiscussionsFoXspeaqsXhtml (interwiki)
    6. WikiNi:DiscussionsBambaFoxInstaller (interwiki)
    7. WikiNi:DiscussionsBambaFoxInstall (interwiki)
  17. Excluding this last Info section, this WiKi p@ge offers 37 screens, just as its French version.
  18. Altogether, excluding the final Info sections,
    • BambaFox version01d has over 111 screens an 13 im@ges.
  19. The bilingual @ide-mémoire, BambaFox version01d, is the result of this discussion.

--DjO 11fev2005.


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