Exemple avec /actions/footer.php (cf. les premières lignes de l'exemple).
<div class="footer">
<ml lang="fr"><?php echo $this->FormOpen("", "RechercheTexte", "get"); ?></ml>
<ml lang="en"><?php echo $this->FormOpen("", "SearchText", "get"); ?></ml>
<ml lang="fr"><?php echo ($this->HasAccess("write") ? "<a href=\"".$this->href("edit")."\" title=\"Cliquez pour editer cette page.\">Editer cette page</a> ::\n" : "") ?></ml>
<ml lang="en"><?php echo ($this->HasAccess("write") ? "<a href=\"".$this->href("edit")."\" title=\"Clic to edit this page.\">Edit this page</a> ::\n" : "") ?></ml>
<ml lang="fr"><?php echo $this->GetPageTime() ? "<a href=\"".$this->href("revisions")."\" title=\"Cliquez pour voir les dernières modifications sur cette page.\">".$this->GetPageTime()."</a> ::\n" : "" ?></ml>
<ml lang="en"><?php echo $this->GetPageTime() ? "<a href=\"".$this->href("revisions")."\" title=\"Clic to see the last modifications on this page.\">".$this->GetPageTime()."</a> ::\n" : "" ?></ml>
// if this page exists
if ($this->page)
// if owner is current user
if ($this->UserIsOwner())
{ ?>
<ml lang="fr">Propriétaire :: <a href="<?php echo $this->href("acls")?>">Editer ACLs</a> :: <a href="<?php echo $this->href("deletepage") ?>">Supprimer</a> ::</ml>
<ml lang="en">Owner :: <a href="<?php echo $this->href("acls")?>">Edit ACLs</a> :: <a href="<?php echo $this->href("deletepage") ?>">Delete</a> ::</ml>
<!-- ========== non traduit à partir d'ici ================= -->
<?php }
if ($owner = $this->GetPageOwner())
print("Propriétaire: ".$this->Format($owner));
print("Inconnu".($this->GetUser() ? " (<a href=\"".$this->href("claim")."\">Take Ownership</a>)" : ""));
print(" :: ");
<a href="<?php echo $this->href("referrers") ?>" title="Cliquez pour voir les URLs faisant référence à cette page.">
References</a> ::
Recherche : <input name="phrase" size="15" class="searchbox" />
<?php echo $this->FormClose(); ?>
<div class="copyright">
<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">Valid XHTML 1.0</a> ::
<a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">Valid CSS</a> ::
-- powered by <?php echo $this->Link("WakkaWiki:WakkaWiki", "", "Wakka ".$this->GetWakkaVersion()) . "\n" ?>
if ($this->GetConfigValue("debug"))
print("<span class=\"debug\"><b>Query log:</b><br />\n");
foreach ($this->queryLog as $query)
print($query["query"]." (".$query["time"].")<br />\n");