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Débogage SQL

Pour l'activer, il faut la paramétrer dans le fichier de configuration : "debug" => "yes",

Exemple de sortie :
Query log :
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'ActualitesDeWikini' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0018)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'DerniersChangements' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0016)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'DerniersCommentaires' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0015)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'ParametresUtilisateur' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0015)
select * from wikini_acls where page_tag = 'ActualitesDeWikini' and privilege = 'read' limit 1 (0.0011)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'WikiNi' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0025)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'WikiniChangeLog' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0016)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'ActualitesDeWikiniPointNet' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0018)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'DifferencesEntreWikiNi01103EtWikiNi041' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0017)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'SitesUtilisantWikini' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0025)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'WikiniEtLesFluxRSS' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0018)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'WakkaFr' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0018)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'UneMacroPourWord' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0016)
select * from wikini_pages where comment_on = 'ActualitesDeWikini' and latest = 'Y' order by time (0.0021)
select * from wikini_acls where page_tag = 'ActualitesDeWikini' and privilege = 'write' limit 1 (0.0011)
select * from wikini_pages where tag = 'CharlesNepote' and latest = 'Y' limit 1 (0.0027)
0.0286 s (total SQL time)
0.0627 s (total time)
SQL time represent : 45.64% of total time
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